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January 24, 2006

Bland in DC.


Since I've promised to come off as less bitter whilst blogging from here on out, to keep things balanced and fair, there will be an general increase in mean-spirtedness with touch of added high-sididdy-osity on my part. So read the damned blog now, punk!

You can hate him (more) now. I don't really see this changing anyone's opinion of 'Ye and still consider this to be a healthier form of promotion than what some dudes are kickin (via Nah Right). Even if it is a bunch of mamajahambo.

Word in the press conference is that struggling TV networks UPN and the WB are combining to become one extremely pitful channel. I guess Tyra's on-screen tit-ilation wasn't even enough so save the Under-Paid Negro network.

City of God-Body: MVP MC MV Bill (try to say that 10 times fast) is putting it down something serious for the favela dwellas of his native Brazil.

Stay fly-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-yyyyyy with SkyAuction. I dunno if I trust some of the airlines on there I haven't heard of (cuz you can't just jump out an airplane and roll if shit goes bad) but the usual carriers are also offered. And going to Jamaica for the same amount as your average bar tab is pretty incrediculous.

Over at Plain Gravy they got jokes...forreal.

And lastly, I'm waiting for the new Melvin Van Peebles biopic, How to Eat Your Watermelon in White Company (and Enjoy It), to hit Oreo City. Insert additional joke here.

Posted by urn at January 24, 2006 09:46 PM