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July 25, 2006

Sonic Slo Mo

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Lou Courtney: Since I First Layed Eyes On You
Taken from the album I'm In Need Of Love on Columbia (1973)

Turner Bros.: Every Time I'm Near You
Taken from the album Act 1 (1974) reissued on Ubiquity

Latimore: All The Way Lover
Taken from the album It Ain’t Where You Been on Glades(1977)

I yearn for slow jams. YEARN. Some nights, I stand by my turntables for hours—literally—dropping these tunes back to back. The Ohio Players’ “Skin Tight” ranks pretty high. So does Lenny Williams’ “Cause I Love You.” Don’t get me started on The New Birth. For lack of actually having a girlfriend, somebody to pour my heart into, these songs are the next best thing. They feel like a bloodline.

Part of the beauty of the slow jam is that a lot of the rules that normally designate what constitutes “cool” or “interesting” music, can be ignored. A slow jam thrives on it’s capacity to capture a listener on the grounds of pure emotive relatability. So, in listening to these, try to ignore the “lack of innovation” perhaps. Or a single sappy line. Instead focus on the glorious whole, on the feeling of warmth that pervades your soul when the song is through. Such is the power of the slow jam.

I can’t sing loud enough praises for Lou Courtney. I posted a track off his first LP, Skate Now, a while back and would have posted more of his stuff sooner if it wasn’t so damn hard to come by. I’ve been trying to get my hands on a few particular 45’s of his for some time now… to no avail. If anyone out there wants to be extra friendly, he can send me a copy of “Hot Butter N All” and “Hey Joyce”. Please.

I wish I could say I had the original of this Turner Bros. LP. But I don’t. If you want the lowdown on one of the most original, dynamic, soulful early 70’s soul outfits you might as well just go here.

Finally, Latimore. This is the REAL deal-y-o insofar as—well, it’s really, really slow. Also worth noting: the man who produced most of Latimore’s work for Glades went by the name Steve “EVERY DAY I CRY” Alaimo. No joke. So, yeah. Enjoy that.

p.s. Thanks to everyone that came out to the Via seasonal on Saturday. Sound system was on the wack side, but the groove lives on!

posted by Murphy's Law  |