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January 11, 2007

A Good Thing...


Barbara Lynn: You'll Lose A Good Thing and Heartbreaking Years
Taken from the album "You'll Lose A Good Thing" on Jamie (1962)

I've been a little blue lately.

You know, sometimes I feel like I'm too young to get all full up with heavy-lidded melancholy like this. I mean, I'm twenty-two. Feels a little early for boo-hoo'ing, right? I should be drinking Dos Equis out of neon plastic party cups at a Senor Frogs just south of the border. I should be getting loopy over Fantasy league football. I should be lamenting--if anything--the bummer of how expensive auto insurance is for a young guy... Not going misty at the first dulcet croon of a break-up song.

But then, this is no ordinary break-up song. Sung by no ordinary soulstress.

Barbara Lynn wasn't my age when she wrote (I repeat, she wrote) these songs. Nope. In 1962, 22 years-old probably seemed pretty ancient to little Miss Lynn. No Senor Frogs for her. Hell, probably no auto insurance. She was still in high school at the time. A sophmore, I would guess. Just s-i-x-t-e-e-n. Spell it.

And I here I am moping around like a sucker. An old sucker, at that! Query: where does a 16 year-old girl find the depth, not only to write a truly superb sad song, but to sing it so convincingly that a fifty year old man could go woozy just humming along. Query: Where does said girl get her southpaw guitar chops? Her diva's poise? Where does she get her hair done? I don't know, but she did it all, this one. And then she disappeared. Until now.


Go here to find out more the elusive Barbara Lynn. As for me, I'll manage.

posted by Murphy's Law  |