January 27, 2008

Recent Radio Specials

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"Passport" broadcast from 12.17.07
with special guest Victor Axelrod aka TICKLAH

"Passport" broadcast from 01.07.08
with special guest Marcos Garcia aka Chico of CHICO MANN

"Passport" broadcast from 01.14.08
BEST of 2007! (all new releases)

"Passport" broadcast from 01.21.08
nothing special here, just good old Passport funkiness...

Playing catch up on the radio show podcast tip. I know some of you are still too lazy to click your way over to WNYU.org, so I'm doing the work for you. However, if you want to get the complete playlists, you're gonna have to search through the playlists calender over there.

Been really lucky with the guests lately. Two members of Antibalas who have their own kickass projects that their working on these days. You should already be familiar with their music if you're a regular reader here, but now you get a chance to glimpse inside their highly creative minds. Who woulda thunk, that two of the world's heaviest Afrobeat players list "Off The Wall" and Lisa Lisa as some of their biggest musical influences?!?

posted by Captain Planet  |