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March 25, 2005

Happy Birthday Cap'n


Happy berfday to Captain Planet and shouts to fam for turning out for a mellow dinner. First birthday in the five years I've known Charlie that he hasn't walked away with a brick of vinyl. CDJ's looming?

Kenzan's cousin doing some cool things with denim: Akane Clothing

Aurock linking from Chocolate City some classic backapacka hip hop: vid for Black Moon's Who Got the Props... is it just me, or is Buckshot completely throwing jump kicks?

Follow-up on Banksy's recent exhibitions.

In more 'no shit, you dumbass frat boffo mufugga' news: FHM Names Angelina Jolie Sexiest Woman.

How come nobody told me David Choe updated his site? How do I steal his powers?

Oh yeah, this worked to ward away the sickness. Feeling on the ups, we'll see in a couple days.

embarrassingly pale photo by DZ... the Captain's looking a little Wonder Bread.

Posted by ant at March 25, 2005 12:03 AM