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March 16, 2005

Scienticians Protect Us!


New Fairy Shrimp Found in Idaho

The new species has several spines on its front legs, and each spine is covered with several more, even smaller spines. The belly of the shrimp is covered with patches of Velcro-like spikes, enabling it to stick to and store up to four smaller fairy shrimp of different species — its prey. The new species also have a unique long, tapered and forked tail and the males have much longer antennas than other fairy shrimp.

The shrimp have apparently evolved ways to deal with a scarce food source. When the playas begin to run out of the tinier shrimp, they catch and store their prey for future eating.

"They grab them, bite them — probably don't kill them but reduce the activity level — and clamp them to the body with these little flaps," Quinney said.

All well and good (wooo! science!)... right until it does THIS.

Face Hugger

Don't be fooled! Leave them scrimps alone! HR Giger be damned!

Also, holy hell... The Stencil has just made my day. Big Will, you are the troof!

Fun Slides- if they could just make these for hardwood floors with missing panels and exposed nails, I'd be in there like swimwear.

Posted by ant at March 16, 2005 12:41 PM