March 2, 2005
Week and some change...
Via party's approaching folks. March 11th, 13 Little Devils, watch for the promotions push in about a day or two. We've all been wearing a lot of hats lately to get this stuff ready, apologies for a kinda doo doo entry today.
Happy Birthday, Yahoo!... I remember waiting for my mom to get off work at the library and just being thrown into a room with a computer for a couple hours. I was sorta old enough that I didn't get a kick out of the educational games they had, so she just told me to go on Yahoo! and "look for things." I had no idea what an internet was. Anyway, so I have distinct memories of this page and typing in arbitrary crap like "roller coasters." Not once did it occur to me to search for "boobies."
Anyway, as most folks have noticed, Yahoo! tends to be Via's primary news source (this has no relation to the fact that it's my homepage, I swear). We just like lazy reporting and dead links within two weeks.
I refuse to use the word they're using (NETrospective... krist almighty) but, eh, a fun little distraction with 10 Years, 100 Moments of the Web.
Finally, with all this hoopla surrounding the 50/Game feud and the mindless speculation accompanying it, I thought I'd put up an unrelated, but still somewhat beef-related piece. Street gangs stake out turf on Web. Does anybody ever use AsianAvenue/BlackPlanet/MiGente anymore? Anybody ever get death threats on that ish?
Posted by ant at March 2, 2005 1:24 AM