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April 5, 2005

Nothing like a good ol' knife on the train...


Temperature hits the 60s again and already the kids have got wylin' out on the brain. So another Via PSA then, for anyone else who gets stuck on a train with the fightin' youf.

Lies About Knife Fighting. Bestest quote: There are many so-called "experts" who claim to be able to teach you either knife fighting or defense against a knife. The problem is that most of them are just teaching regurgitated martial arts, usually from the Philippines. While I have lots of respect for the martial arts of other lands, the truth is that you live where you do. Odds are you are not in a "knife culture."

I've always kinda assumed there was something 'knifey' about those Filipinos, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it...

Continuing on the Filipino tip: US Still Juking the Manongs

ixley says: NaNoWriMo. Go write yourself a novel.

Urn points to an interesting MIA-related essay, touches on issues of representation: Dancing with Myself

The LA Times clowns the Minutemen.

Barnstormers' motion paintings make me happy. Apostrophe has enhanced many a Via brownie party.

Polishing off the entry with lighthearted fare, and at the same time probably dating myself (or pointing out how clueless I am in regards to pop culture): Wacky Packs! (props to Mr. Sasso for putting me on)

Posted by ant at April 5, 2005 8:57 PM