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December 11, 2006

Quoth the Rza, "Bong-Bong."

Must be the shrooms talking.

U.S.-backed mass murder and former Chilean dictator Augustuo Pinochet died yesterday at age 91. And I hope he burns is hell.

The Dantrification of this Michael Richards mess. Hits the nail right on the head.

The Snowman gets hot and bothered and storms out the studio after Monie Love asks him to consider the current condition of Hiphop given the history of the culture. Maybe him and Weezy need to have that "chill coffee" Baby's baby rapped about, cuz they seeming mighty salty right now.

And speaking of "The Temple" (no KRS), welcome to the Kingdom Come Roundtable. Lord knows I really don't give a make-love cuz it ain't like I've contributed to the Sean Carter Floss Fund since them Reasonable Doubt times, but, for the sake of argument, tadow.

Skateboard Dogsled P. Dis bama done lost his natural mind. Ghostface you are not, dear sir.

Didja hear? Didja hear? This guy is putting out an album. So much for promotion.

Wow. I'd have never guessed that the immigration debate would shift to combating "Eurotrash" graf artists, boosting their "Euro-reps". Without the "New York cred" of a spun Lady Pink quote, this porqueria would be pure comedy. Quality of Life cops should arrest their coworkers.

And, lastly, for anyone who hasn't heard, the tour bus carrying The Coup, Mr. Lif, and their associates had a major accident in which several riders were injured and all of their belongings on-board were damaged or destroyed. If you can, help em out. Read Boots' account of the crash and link to the Paypal collection here.

Supposing I don't blog again for a minute, all y'all out there be healthy and happy and start those New Year's resolutions a lil' early (btw: Thank GOD for the DC Smoking Ban!!!). One.

Posted by urn at December 11, 2006 11:06 AM